Thursday, 14 August 2014

Confidence buzz!

So my last blog was all about using the “Let It Bee” approach to cope with situations that are out with our control. I showed how it is possible to let these situations evolve from something that we try to resist and causes negativity in our lives, into a positive experience, so that we can enable ourselves to soar above our challenging circumstances. The three techniques I shared that you can utilise at these times were; 1) Taking a step back and asking yourself what you could gain from the situation 2) Sharing your vulnerability with others and 3) Acceptance. I hope you found these tips helpful and found you were able to “Let It Bee”, in challenging circumstances …I would be interested to know of any successes…

The next topic that I am going to share with you all is: “Confidence Buzz!” This is a way to induce and cultivate more self-confidence and I am going to share with you, 3 ways to help you to do this…I believe that confidence is the intrinsic quality of people who lead happy, successful and fulfilled lives.

It helps us to:
  • communicate our wants and our needs to others
  • set and achieve goals
  • experience success at work
  • plan and deliver presentations
  • connect with new people and cultivate new relationships (personally and professionally)
  • begin a new interest
  • cope effectively with life’s challenges
  • broaden your life experiences

Being able to induce a “Confidence Buzz” can help us through most circumstances, before, during and after they arise. To me confidence is like a flower…It begins as a seed which is planted in the soil (or within us), it needs nourishment, care and attention, to grow and evolve, until it finally blossoms, into something that is beautiful and an intrinsic part of who and what we are…

If you think of the most confident person you know, think of their qualities…For me, in my minds eye, posture stands out, the way they hold their body commands attention and oozes self-belief. When a confident person walks into a room, others take notice and recognise their confidence. Having strong posture is known to make a person more believable than those who slouch or fold their arms when they are talking.

1)    Power pose – a power pose is when we stand with our hands on our hips legs hip width apart, shoulders aligned and backward and head up looking forward. 

This stance when done for just 2 minutes has been found by Amy Cuddy, Social Psychologist of Harvard Business School to increase our testosterone hormone in our bodies. This hormone is associated with males but females possess it too. It boosts self-confidence and helps to make us more believable, especially in times of stress. As well as increasing testosterone levels, the Power Pose has been found to reduce Cortisol levels in the blood stream. This is our stress hormone, so my Power Posing we reduce the levels of stress that we feel. I find that fascinating. I learnt this pose at a 5 day Integrating Sciences course with Dr David Hamilton, author and speaker with Hay House. I now use a 2 minute power pose prior to going into stressful situations, such as presenting information to work colleagues, taking part in meetings and have used it in interview settings also. So I hope it helps you as well.

2)    Fake it until you make it – this is when we act out the way we want to come across prior to the event that is causing us to feel nervous.

Using the dress rehearsal to help us during an event that we know is likely to cause nervousness gives us more power than if we just go in cold. This way you are able to draw from your experience during the dress rehearsal and the more your practice something the better you become at it. This might seem a bit false but the most successful people in life have used the “fake it until you make it” technique. You may even want to write a script, look on the mirror, alter what you say until it becomes 2nd nature and you feel your slick enough to make it during the real deal.

3)    3C vision/peripheral vision – this is when we use our vision to cultivate the feeling of relaxation when we are in the stressful situation. This can be done by looking at a point on a wall above eye level, focus on that point and then notice what you can see around that point to 360 degrees. Notice the colours, shadows and objects that you can see at the furthest possible point in all directions, from where you are focussing on.

It is absolutely impossible to feel anything other than relaxed when you are in the peripheral part of your vision. This is because we are designed to go into tunnel vision when in fight/flight mode…i.e. when we are stressed. If we bypass this by altering our vision into the periphery, we intercept the stress response and become instantly more relaxed, thus cultivating a “confidence buzz”.

You can use these 3 tips to induce A “confidence buzz” in any situation that you know will cause you stress or to feel nervous. It’s amazing the effects of confidence on your life circumstances. Once you have confidence in your own ability and can convince others of these abilities, you will be amazed at how your life can change. If you feel yourself becoming stressed or nervous in a situation, use the 3C Vision to bring you back to your confident and relaxed state.

I believe our natural state is one of confidence. I also believe that our busy and modern way of life can challenge our natural way of being. Modern life almost conditions us to compare ourselves to others. So confidence is “natural” and comparing is “normal”.

Why not BEE the star of your own show and astonish yourself….Good luck.