Fly with Stress
Hello, it's time for the 4th instalment of my blog. There's been a bit of a delay with this one but I'm happy to say that I'm managing to publish it before September has finished, so mission accomplished. ;)
My last blog was called "Confidence Buzz". I shared with you 3 tips on how to cultivate more confidence. These were: 1) The Power Pose and the importance of posture 2) The Fake It Until You Make it technique 3) 3C (Peripheral) Vision. I hope you found these tips useful and they gave you the ability to cultivate more confidence.
This month's topic is all about stress and learning how to "Fly With Stress". Stress is good! Without it we wouldn't grow, change or evolve. We are led to believe that stress is bad for the body & mind. I believe the opposite to be true. I believe a certain amount of stress is good for us, as it is a signal from both our minds and our bodies that we are living, breathing and human. Daily, we put ourselves through stress. Our journey to work, our interactions throughout the day, the food we eat, the exercise we put our bodies through, the activities we engage in, the thoughts we think, all cause us stress. Something to remember is that we all have a baseline that we feel is normal for us. When life-changes happen, that baseline will be altered and stress levels will rise. Sometimes we are completely unaware of this, other times our sleep is effected, or our emotions will change, our thoughts might race, we might go into fight/flight mode, our appetites can be effected, our concentration too, the list goes on. I am going to share with you 3 tips on how to learn to "Fly With Stress..."
Flying with stress is a way to be able to continue with life, even if it feels chaotic and here's how:
1) Bee Aware
The first step to change is awareness. When we are stressed we might become more irritable, we might lose our appetite, we might experience thoughts we wouldn't normally. It's all down to you as an individual. This might all come on unnoticed and before you know it, you're MEGA stressed. A way to be more in control when we are stressed is to have an awareness of what is feeding our stress and how you are reacting to it. Take a note of what you believe to be feeding your stress and also how you believe you are reacting to it.
A great quote by Einstein ~ You can't solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it. Once you are aware of what is feeding your stress and how you are reacting to it, you can begin to make changes to your reaction. The stress will still be there but your reaction will be different, so the effect of the stress won't have less of an impact on you.
The note could look like this for example:
(Stress) Late for work > (Reaction) Irritability and rushing
(Stress) Late for work > (Reaction) Staying calm and listening to some of your favourite music on the way in
(Stress) A bill to pay > (Reaction) Avoid opening it and continue to worry about it
(Stress) A bill to pay > (Reaction) Open it, break it down and plan on how you will pay it
2) Create Some Time
Once we recognise we are stressed, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to create some time. 30 minutes a day is what I recommend. This time is for you to set aside and use to do something that you know will relax you. It could be a bath, reading a book, going for a walk, focussing on your breathing, doing a guided meditation. If you've never tried meditation, you will find lots to choose from on youtube. Find one that you like the sound of and suites you. 30 minutes a day, just for you to spend on what makes you feel relaxed.
3) Get Up, Dress Up, Show Up
When we are stressed, sometimes retreating and avoiding seems like the best thing to do. In actual fact, the best thing to do when you are feeling stressed is to "Get Up, Dress Up and Show Up" to life and everything that you have to "Get Up, Dress Up and Show Up" for. It will make you feel better in the long run, provided you are persistent and consistent with it. Make it fun and don't forget to use the tips in my previous blogs to help boost confidence, happiness and letting things bee theatre out with your control.
One thing I like to remember is that usually following a period of stress, something wonderful happens. Something clicks into place. You get the job, the house move goes well, you perform better than you thought you were going to, you move on to something better than you were experiencing in your life prior to experiencing the stress. Stress moves us towards change. I hope you find you are able to "Fly With Stress" over the next month. 😊
Hello, it's time for the 4th instalment of my blog. There's been a bit of a delay with this one but I'm happy to say that I'm managing to publish it before September has finished, so mission accomplished. ;)
My last blog was called "Confidence Buzz". I shared with you 3 tips on how to cultivate more confidence. These were: 1) The Power Pose and the importance of posture 2) The Fake It Until You Make it technique 3) 3C (Peripheral) Vision. I hope you found these tips useful and they gave you the ability to cultivate more confidence.
This month's topic is all about stress and learning how to "Fly With Stress". Stress is good! Without it we wouldn't grow, change or evolve. We are led to believe that stress is bad for the body & mind. I believe the opposite to be true. I believe a certain amount of stress is good for us, as it is a signal from both our minds and our bodies that we are living, breathing and human. Daily, we put ourselves through stress. Our journey to work, our interactions throughout the day, the food we eat, the exercise we put our bodies through, the activities we engage in, the thoughts we think, all cause us stress. Something to remember is that we all have a baseline that we feel is normal for us. When life-changes happen, that baseline will be altered and stress levels will rise. Sometimes we are completely unaware of this, other times our sleep is effected, or our emotions will change, our thoughts might race, we might go into fight/flight mode, our appetites can be effected, our concentration too, the list goes on. I am going to share with you 3 tips on how to learn to "Fly With Stress..."
Flying with stress is a way to be able to continue with life, even if it feels chaotic and here's how:
1) Bee Aware
The first step to change is awareness. When we are stressed we might become more irritable, we might lose our appetite, we might experience thoughts we wouldn't normally. It's all down to you as an individual. This might all come on unnoticed and before you know it, you're MEGA stressed. A way to be more in control when we are stressed is to have an awareness of what is feeding our stress and how you are reacting to it. Take a note of what you believe to be feeding your stress and also how you believe you are reacting to it.
A great quote by Einstein ~ You can't solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it. Once you are aware of what is feeding your stress and how you are reacting to it, you can begin to make changes to your reaction. The stress will still be there but your reaction will be different, so the effect of the stress won't have less of an impact on you.
The note could look like this for example:
(Stress) Late for work > (Reaction) Irritability and rushing
(Stress) Late for work > (Reaction) Staying calm and listening to some of your favourite music on the way in
(Stress) A bill to pay > (Reaction) Avoid opening it and continue to worry about it
(Stress) A bill to pay > (Reaction) Open it, break it down and plan on how you will pay it
2) Create Some Time
Once we recognise we are stressed, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to create some time. 30 minutes a day is what I recommend. This time is for you to set aside and use to do something that you know will relax you. It could be a bath, reading a book, going for a walk, focussing on your breathing, doing a guided meditation. If you've never tried meditation, you will find lots to choose from on youtube. Find one that you like the sound of and suites you. 30 minutes a day, just for you to spend on what makes you feel relaxed.
3) Get Up, Dress Up, Show Up
When we are stressed, sometimes retreating and avoiding seems like the best thing to do. In actual fact, the best thing to do when you are feeling stressed is to "Get Up, Dress Up and Show Up" to life and everything that you have to "Get Up, Dress Up and Show Up" for. It will make you feel better in the long run, provided you are persistent and consistent with it. Make it fun and don't forget to use the tips in my previous blogs to help boost confidence, happiness and letting things bee theatre out with your control.
One thing I like to remember is that usually following a period of stress, something wonderful happens. Something clicks into place. You get the job, the house move goes well, you perform better than you thought you were going to, you move on to something better than you were experiencing in your life prior to experiencing the stress. Stress moves us towards change. I hope you find you are able to "Fly With Stress" over the next month. 😊