This weekend I've been down in Glasgow for the book launch of Dr David Hamilton's 8th book called: I Heart Me: The science of self-love. I got 5 signed copies & I'm really excited to be sharing those with a few special people in my life. Self-love is the most important aspect of life in my opinion. A lot of us talk to ourselves and about ourselves, in a way that is less than kind. Batting off compliments, playing down our achievements and living in a way that keeps us small. Moving closer towards self-love helps us to play big, be the star of our own lives, try going for that job we always wanted, doing that thing we've always wanted to do, asking that person out on a date, etc. If we can learn to bask in all our glory, as the wonderful people that we are, I think the world would definitely bee a better place.
Beeing at one with life and ourselves can feel different for all of us. However, one thing I've noticed when I am at one with how my life is unfolding and with who I am, synchronicity shows up. People, opportunities and events move into my awareness that help me to progress in life. These things happen more frequently because as awareness improves, so does the ability to utilise these opportunities to move forward in life.
For example, I have this blog: Born2beehappy...I have hopes to expand this from being a blog to a book that teaches people the art of happiness and how to cultivate this into their lives through daily practice. I would like to create relaxation CD's and also through yoga, teach people how to bee happy!
Since coming up with this idea, I've noticed signs to move me closer towards that becoming a reality. Those signs vary, for example, my friend and I did a Skype call recently. After a while, the conversation went towards the writing of my book. Following the call I brainstormed, came up with a plan and I now have the chapters outlined. Synchronicity is a wonderful thing because signs can appear in your life, as if by magic...On Friday, I went to a place called Minibar in Glasgow after the book launch. On their drinks menu was a Bee Happy cocktail and they even had drawings of bees on their specials board.
I've taken that as a sign that I need to get this stuff out there. Beeing happy is an important part of beeing human and I beelieve that we need more knowledge of ways to cultivate this in our lives, naturally. Using our posture, our beehaviour and thoughts to cultivate happiness is something we HAVE the power to do.
So my message in this blog is to let you know that dreams can beecome reality. Beeing at one will help this to happen and beeing happy NOW is something we can have regardless of our circumstances. Once we are happy NOW, we can move forward to create more of that & happiness is no longer something that is wrapped up in the future. Dialogues such as, "Once in living there, doing that job, then I'll be happy", don't exist anymore because happiness is something you have NOW.
Beeing at one is something we can cultivate by carrying out the following practices everyday:
1) Forgiving
Forgive yourself, forgive your family, your friends, your enemies. Forgiveness is something that frees you from past pains. It's not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength. You may want to write letter of forgiveness and not send it. The act of doing that and reading it over will make it feel more real and help the shift happen inside you. Happiness is after all, an inside job.
2) Bee in the now
Beeing present is one of the most important aspects of cultivating happiness because it takes our attention away from the past and future and puts us in the here and now, where there are no problems! Right NOW there is nothing wrong. Practices such as relaxation, meditation, yoga and other forms of exercise can help you to do that.
3) Breathe
I've mentioned this in a previous blog post but I think it is so relevant to beeing at one that it's worth repeating. Slowing our breathing down will help to keep us grounded and centred and able to cope with the stressors of daily life. Let's face it, life is unpredictable and the daily ups and downs of life can impact our bodies and cause us stress. However, learning to breathe properly lessens the impact of daily stress. If you want to learn you can go on to YouTube and search: diaphragmatic breathing and there are video tutorials on how to do this.
Thanks for reading and I'd be delighted if you could share my blog with your friends.