Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Thoughts, feelings and bee-haviour

I’m BAAAAACK. After a break since February the Born 2 Bee Happy blog returns. Reasons for my recent break mainly come from being a super busy bee. I am just over 2 weeks away from moving house, so there’s been lots going on but I can tell you, I’m super happy to be back with this month’s blog.  I also wanted to share that I am beginning an Msc in Studies in Mindfulness this September with The University of Aberdeen. I’m so looking forward to it. I think it will enhance my level of knowledge and the information that I am in turn, able to share with you all.

Did you know that how you think, feel and beehave are closely connected? What goes on in our mind in terms of our thoughts, impacts our emotional state and that in turn affects what we do. I loved learning about this because I realised that instead of my life happening to me. It was actually ME that was happening to life. How I processed information, situations, events, and other people’s behaviour, was what would result in either a positive or negative experience. It was all down the filters in my mind that had been formed over the course of my life. The beliefs that I have formed, my opinions about myself, others and the world. Having this new level of understanding made me realise that life wasn’t as serious as I had made it out to bee. I was better placed to have more fun and take life less seriously.
So if we are to use this learning to our advantage, we can begin to intercept the process and create a cycle that is more positive. For me, even just the recognition that this is what is happening within me, can help me to be more accepting of myself and situations that arise. Negative situations and thoughts, no longer hold as much significance for me. Life on the whole becomes less serious and more fun!

So I am going to use my usual format and share with you three ways on how your can utilise this knowledge to a) create more positive cycles and b) when cycles are negative, to be able to have a more accepting attitude towards them.

  1. Positive Affirmations

When I was training for The Inverness Half-Marathon this year, I found Positive Affirmations really helped me to move forward and keep the momentum up of my training. It was no use if I didn’t think I could do it. Also, if I had negative thoughts going through my mind whilst I was training that would’ve slowed me down and created a less than motivated approach. I used a few different affirmations;

“Everyday, in everyway, I am getting better and better.” Emile Coule

“Grant me the strength to focus this week. To bee mindful and present, to serve with excellence and to be a force of love.” Brendan Buchard

“With each step I take, I am getting stronger, faster and more agile.” Aimee Stewart

“Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I choose to make it the best of my life.”

I don’t think you need to be training for a half-marathon in order to utilise positive affirmations. You could use these affirmations every morning when you rise and every evening before you go to sleep. I would repeat them until they feel believable. Until you got that good “feeling” because as I said thoughts create feelings, so positive affirmations, create positive feelings and will make you behave in a way that reinforces the thoughts, in a positive way.

  1. Bee aware of the cycle

When you are feeling pants and maybe behaving in a way that you don’t want to be behaving in, and you are aware that you are having negative thoughts. Just the awareness of the cycle can help you to realise that you are okay. That things can and will improve, when you either create a more positive cycle consciously, or it evolves itself naturally. It’s up to you. I find when I am having a run of bad luck or life in general isn’t syncing the way I want it to. The realisation; that why I am feeling a certain way is because my thoughts, feelings and behaviour cycle. Not because of the situation itself. This empowers me and I hope it does the same for you. It empowers me to want to change my cycle and it empowers me knowing I have the power to do so…

  1. Change something

You have the power to bee great and change anything you want to change in your life. Awareness is the first step towards change. So now that you are aware of your cycle; change something…change your thoughts, or change your beehaviour. This is sometimes easier said than done, so bee easy on yourself and bee kind to yourself. The definition of BEEHAVIOUR, as I’ve written it in this blog; “is the ability to just bee.” So bee yourself, show yourself acceptance, bee aware of your cycle and change if you feel inpsired to do so. Change something in a compassionate way. If you notice yourself thinking negatively, ask yourself; “Can I use positive affirmations in this instance to change my cycle?” Or can I change what I am doing in this moment to change the way I feel. If you have read my previous blogs you will know I am an advocate for smiling, deep breathing and relaxation.

Why not have a read of my previous blogs and utilise other skills that I have shared in them. Until next time, beehave. :)