Thursday, 1 October 2015

Bee as you are, come as you are, however you are…

Some of you may think that I always focus on the positive. With this blog I want to explore acceptance in all that is. You see in life, positives, negatives and things we may see as neutral all exist. They all exist, they all have their purpose and they all can teach us something about ourselves. Having an understanding of how we cope with things, whatever those things are; is empowering. It is empowering because we can realise our resilience to the negative. It is empowering because we can connect with others through our vulnerabilities. It is empowering because it can bring us to a greater understanding of ourselves. The truth is I'm all about life, the good, the bad, the ugly, the neutral...nothing is off limits. Its life we are talking about and it's a jungle out there...

We as human beings come from all different backgrounds. We come as individuals with a multitude of experiences that have shaped us into who we are, how we see ourselves and how we relate to the world. Recognising all aspects of what has shaped us, into who we are today, helps us to move beyond those things that hold us back. Here I am making reference to the good, the bad, the ugly and the neutral.

Day to day, we have somewhere in the region of 60,000 to 100,000 thoughts a day. Some are good, some are bad, some are ugly and some a neutral. If we latch on to all of these, it is no wonder we feel churned up and stressed out. Remember its life; unfortunately we are not in some rainbow filled land, with unicorns grazing in the distance and cherubs playing harms on a cloud. However, personally I like to dwell in that land for periods of time. We are on planet earth and it can be tough down here. I know this because I'm a human, living a life and I've had good, bad, ugly and neutral experiences. The range of experiences is much vaster than those 4 categories but for the purposes of this blog, I'm using just the 4. Amazing, beautiful, disastrous, fucked-up, life-affirming, musical... (the list goes on) experiences exist too. However, sometimes for the purposes of simplicity and getting a point across, less is more.

As we come with all these experiences that have shaped us into the glorious mess that we are, wouldn't it be wise to embrace it all. I think it would. Wouldn't it be a relief that you're okay, just as you are, RIGHT NOW! You don't have to change, you don't have to right your wrongs, and you don't have to right someone else's wrongs. You just have to accept yourself, fully as you are now with all of the experiences that have helped to make you into who you are today. By doing so, resistance tends to stop, stress tends to drop and life tends to flow.


So, how are we going to do this acceptance thing?

A few weeks ago when I attended a Tibetan Buddhist Retreat in The Scottish Borders I was asked a question. I was there to begin my MSc in Mindfulness along with around 50 other students. The lecturer asked: "Why are you here?" He then went on to say, "I want you get really clear on this. Really clear because this is what's going to keep your practice up when you leave." I didn't really think about my answer and as he had asked the whole class, he only asked for a couple of responses. I didn't volunteer my answer. My answer was: "I'm here to sort my shit out!" I hadn't realised that was the reason I was there, until that point. Up until that point I would've told anyone who asked that I was going there to further my career and to help people with mindfulness. Those things were just as true but the thing that came up first was; I was there to sort my own shit out. To me that was amazing and it actually made me smile inside. I mean we all have shit, so we may as well sort it out!

So you may ask; how do I sort my shit out?

1) Accept it

I am talking about the good, the bad, the ugly and the neutral. It's all there to be accepted. We don't have to push it away, we don't have to get busy and avoid it, and we don't have to change it. Basically it's not for changing, it's for accepting. When we accept our lives as they are and ourselves as we are, we move beyond the shit. I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone with my swearing. I'm someone that finds swearing therapeutic, especially when I'm referring to life's mess. Acceptance can come through journaling daily. Also using an affirmation such as, "I accept all that has been, all that is and all that is to come." I recommend saying affirmations 10 times in front of a mirror until you believe yourself.

There's a great book that I highly recommend called, "Fuck It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way" by John C Parkin. It is a book that I hold close to my heart because during and after reading it, a lot of my shit made a lot more sense. It outlines everything about the technicalities of saying "fuck it" and getting on with life in a less harassed and serious way. It basically teaches us to be more care free in our approach, have more fun and care less about the stress causing stuff.

Breathe in the good shit and breathe out the bullshit. I mean it; breathe in ALL the good shit. Focus on it, absorb it, feel it love it, hold it, write about it. Write a gratitude list for example; 3 things you're grateful for every day, for 21 days and your happiness levels will improve. Gratitude lists can contain all kinds of things. Nice weather, a compliment, an achievement, a purchase, an enjoyable meal, a pet, a child, a conversation, anything that brings you joy and makes you feel positive, even if it’s a small feeling. It helps to train your mind to focus on the good stuff. We tend to get overloaded with negativity because the untrained mind tends to rest on that stuff. Gratitude lists help by changing your focus. Try it, it works.

I also mean, breathe out the bullshit. Breathe it out, blow it away, don't latch on to it, and let it flow away from you. By this, I don’t mean get busy and ignore the negative, I mean deal with it, accept it and once you have done that get on with your wonderful life. Throw the bullshit in the bin. Really, imagine yourself, throwing the crap in the bin. Write it down and rip it up and throw it away. It might come back again but when it does, time will have passed and you’ll be further on than when it came up the last time, making you better equipped at dealing with it. When shit happens, don’t get bogged down. Just think, “This is life, this is what happens, and I can do this shit!!” YOU CAN, you rock!

2) Intention/motivation

This little piece of magic is what helps to keep me going. “What is your intention?” That’s what the lecturer asked me when I was down in the borders beginning my masters. I had no idea it was to “sort my shit out” but I tell you what…It’s what keeps me going when my motivation has hopped on the next bus to Timbuktu! Seriously, when you get clear on your intention, your motivation follows. Your intention is the step before the action, and motivation follows intention. You see, if I planned to make myself a cup of tea, my motivation would kick in and get that tea made. So if you want to get on with life and bee happy, no matter what your experiences have been, then this first thing I would advise you to do is to get clear on your intention. Then when motivation decides to have a wee holiday, all you have to do is revisit your intention and it’ll be on the next bus back to you, with full gusto for the task in hand.

3) Connect

Believe it or not, everyone around you is not sailing through life, they are generally not enlightened and they have just as much insecurities as you. They may look as though they are sailing and they are enlightened but unless they are The Dalai Lama and a few others, they are not. I believe pretty much all of us are winging it. Yes we have knowledge, yes we can get good at things, yes some people are talented but on some level, we are all winging it to some degree. Knowing this helps me to connect with people I might see as superior to me. It helps me to remember, those people are human too, just like me. You see we are all vulnerable, we are human, we all share emotion and we all get scared sometimes. Having the courage to be vulnerable is where the magic happens because people can identify with vulnerability and that’s what helps us to connect. I can bet most of us have a small number of close friends and with those friends we are able connect on a level that we can share our vulnerability. Connecting doesn’t happen through boasting about how amazing we are, or telling everyone about all of our achievements. It comes from letting people in to see your struggle, to hear about your challenges, by being real and by being honest. That’s what humanity is. So having the courage to be vulnerable helps us to connect with others and our vulnerabilities are not something to be ashamed of, they are something to acknowledge. They are here to empower us.

So there we have it. A few tips to sort your shit out. Remember you are perfect just as you are, you don’t have to change. The tips are there to show you that mastering life doesn’t have to be difficult and you don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not. I hope you have fun sorting your shit out!!! I intend to.