For me, my year has been a mixture of highlights and lowlights. I have accomplished some of the things I set out to at the beginning of the year and other things have gone by the wayside. I feel as though I am continuing to progress but some of my old patterns of behaviour continue to hold me back in some ways. This is why doing an exercise such as the one I am going to lay out for you, is important. Not only for reflection, but also to enable you to catapult yourself into 2015 with enthusiasm and a thirst to create the best year yet.
No matter what has happened this year for you, it is possible to end the year on a high and here are some tips to help you to do that.
1) Look back at your year and list all the things you are grateful for
The list might include people who have supported you through good times and tough times in the year. It might include events you have attended, it might be witnessing someone you love achieving something. It might include your pets. It might include giving up an unhealthy habit; it might be deciding to change something in your life. It might be a holiday you have been on or even having gratitude for where you are right now. It might be simple things, such as the food you eat or and home you live in. Whatever it is, having a grateful heart towards the things you have in your life, will create an attitude of abundance and that will make it possible for more of the same to come your way.
2) Create some time and space to stretch your body
At this time of year, it is very easy to get stressed. We all have so much to do. The festive period and the year end can also make us reflect on the things and people we have lost in our lives. So it’s really important to treat our bodies as kindly as possible at this time. Creating a 10 – 20 minute time gap in your day, and devote it to stretching your body, will not only reduce your stress levels psychologically but also reduce muscle tension. You can find free and easy to follow yoga tutorials on YouTube.
3) Connect with others
Social connections are really important for us human beings to thrive. It’s really good for us to connect with those who surround us at this time of year. Some of us are lucky to have family and friends, whom we can call upon and be surrounded by at this time of year. It’s a time to show the people we love how much we appreciate having them in our lives. If you feel isolated and alone at this time of year, it might be an idea to see what is happening in your local community for people who are in a similar position. You should find information on this at a local community centre, library and your GP surgery may also have information of groups and services which can offer you support over this time.
4) Practice compassion
Compassion, I believe, is the most intelligent aspect that we can draw upon, as human beings. It can take some practice to get good at showing compassion to a person or an animal. However, once you have mastered it, it will have health benefits for you and for the recipient. I find that really amazing. For example, compassion can be smiling at someone, holding a door open for them, a soft touch, listening. Basically, opening your heart to a person or an animal and showing them you care, are there for them and they can depend on you. This creates trust and the release of a hormone called Oxytocin in yourself and them. Author, Dr David Hamilton, has researched Oxytocin, and has found that it has been shown to reduce blood pressure and is therefore cardio-protective. If we collaborate this information, we can come to the conclusion that; people who show compassion to others have healthier hearts.
5) Have fun when you can
This is one great aspect of this time of year that can help us to be light hearted. Whether it is dancing, being silly, listening to music, dressing up, going out with friends, it is good to have fun wherever you can. Any opportunities you get to have fun, take them. Don’t forget to laugh at yourself and whatever you do, try not to take yourself too seriously. It is the season to be jolly after all
6) Write a 'Let Go' list
In your 'Let Go' list you can include anything you want to let go of in 2014. I find this really therapeutic. I also find it helps me to be grateful that the end if the year has come because it gives me the opportunity to let go of anything I want. Examples could include, unhelpful reactions to events, poor communication, anger, a grudge against someone, painful emotions, a habit. Once you've written your 'Let Go' list you might want to take it outside and set it alight, as symbolically this will be letting go of the list completely.
I hope you find these tips useful and help you to end 2014 on a high, no matter what the circumstances you find yourself in. I will look forward to January 2015, where I will be giving you tips on manifesting the year of your dreams. I wish you all a Happy Christmas and have the best time at New Year.
Here are some quotes I find help me to apply the tips that I’ve shared with you:
Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving somethingbigger and better than your current situation. Brian Tracy
Stretching your body, is just as important as stretching your mind. Aimee Stewart
Vulnerability is the birthplace of connection and the path to the feeling of worthiness. If it doesn't feel vulnerable, the sharing is probably not constructive. Brene Brown
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. Dalai Lama
More important than talent, strength, or knowledge is the ability to laugh at yourself and enjoy the pursuit of your dreams. Amy Grant
In the process of letting go you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself. – Deepak Chopra
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